This World Is Not Altogether Bad

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This book is a collection of poems about people. The writer Freya Manfred writes, “I love the often playful, musical quality which enhances the vital/vivid images of each praise-worthy person. These people are real and the poetry honors them. The poems play off each other well—father, mother, old-timer, uncles—quite wonderful all together in this world, as the book surely lives up to its title.”

Blessed for Life

A wild-looking man I don’t know

from Adam begged a ride from the PO

to the Dorothy Day Center. He’s jazzed,

jazzed about a Thanksgiving feast.

With a shock of hair like a thundercloud,

he looks like an old Testament prophet.

He got out and paused next to the window.

Standing so I can’t see his face, I was

blessed for life when a rich voice said,

“This world is not altogether bad.”